Being Yourself

03:47 ameliaguchi 0 Comments

Five exams done and dusted = lots of free time to write blog posts!

Life pretty much sucked before Christmas - I had never felt more lost. It was as if I was on a train track, looping round and round, with no final destination and no hope of going anywhere. A video which resonated with me was 'Faking It' by Youtuber HelloKaty (included below); I was definitely stuck in the 'I don't know' phase, which scared the hell out of me.

I like to think that the Christmas break was the pivotal point in which I changed for the better - what helped me most was realising where I was going wrong, and how to turn this around.

My self-esteem had never been lower. I was embarrassed to show my face, feeling as though people would judge me for how I looked. This meant that my confidence also dipped dramatically. I couldn't push myself in any aspect of my life, staying in bed for the majority of the day.

Over the holidays, I found comfort in watching TEDTalks videos, my favourite being the one below; Caroline McHugh conveys the message that the most successful people are those who are best at being themselves.

After watching this, I realised that there was little point in comparing myself against others - I could never be them even if I wanted to. The only solution was to work on being the best me.

Ever since, I have pursued a healthier lifestyle, pushed myself to follow opportunities and worked harder than ever.

Don't live a life confined by the fear of judgment. 

Meels x